Please Pray

Please pray with Faculté Jean Calvin

for current students in their studies, churches, and work

for preparation for the second semester, new courses of the professors

FJC's calling and faithfulness to the Word of God

for upcoming meetings at FJC: Portes Ouvertes, FORMAPRE,
CNEF, Carrefour Théologique...

Please Watch And Pray With Us

The Faculty To See Further

Pray for the 122 students enrolled this year in our various programs.

Pray for our Dream Team of 9 teachers, including 2 new professors
(Old Testament / Hebrew and Systematic Theology).


Pray for the 25 members of the Faculty Council which lead our ship.

Pray for the associations and individuals, in France and abroad, which we support spiritually and financially.

The Faculty of Eternity

Faculté Jean Calvin, Aix-en-Provence, France

Yannick & Erin Imbert's eNews

Yannick & Erin Imbert's eNews


The semester is finally over!
It was a very busy one indeed, and at times quite stressful. With Erin's French class and my teaching load, some weeks were actually exhausting. But by God's grace and provision, we arrived at the end of our first semester in France! 

FACULTE JEAN CALVIN Prayer Requests June 2016

So that the Word becomes flesh ...

Pray for the end of the academic year and for the students as they take their exams (June 13-17).

Pray for the beginning of the next school year that we will draw new students from our churches to train to better serve.

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Continue to pray for the funding of our two new professors (who arrive in September 2016).