Not Afraid of Bad News

Paul D. Wolfe, President

Paul D. Wolfe, President

He is not afraid of bad news.

Really? He’s not? He’s not afraid of bad news?

No, he’s not.

“The man who fears the Lord,” says the Psalmist, “is not afraid of bad news. His heart is firm, trusting in the Lord” (Psalm 112:7).

I thought of this Bible verse this morning when I glanced at my phone (alas, the early morning phone glance) and the very first headline that greeted me was, well, viral:

“France confirms 19 new cases as officials declare epidemic inevitable.” Cases, that is, of coronavirus.

It’s a fast-moving story, especially in Europe. By the time you read this, days from now, will the numbers be higher? Lower? Will the situation be more fearful? Less? I’m no forecaster of such matters.

But what I do know is that when you’re reading this Psalm 112:7 will still be true. Those who know and fear the Lord, they need not fear bad news. Not because there’s no bad news in this world. (Obviously there is. Everything from global pandemics to personal heartbreak.) And not because the Christian is insensible to such things. (He’s not. The night before he died Jesus himself recoiled at the thought of what was in store for him, and we servants are not greater than our Master.) But we need not fear bad news in the sense that even the worst that comes our way, our wise and loving Father in heaven will have appointed it for our eternal good.

In the lovely town of Aix-en-Provence in the south of France, there’s a seminary we love, La Faculté Jean Calvin (FJC). And there, in campus classrooms and in conversations over café, faculty and staff are training men and women to grasp the gospel of Jesus Christ in a fearful world so they can go forth with it in the midst of every kind of virus and see people set free. Free from paralyzing fear. Free from the guilt and power of sin. Free from the thought that something they breathe in might be their undoing.

The Huguenot Fellowship’s raison d’être is to support FJC—with prayer, with encouragement, with financial support. Here in 2020 they need it all, just as we do! So we’ll continue to stand with them.

Join us, won’t you?

Yours in Christ,
Paul D. Wolfe

P.S. I’m grateful to the many who have reached out to me upon my becoming President of the Huguenot Fellowship to express your support. M erci, mes amis! Never hesitate to contact me with questions, observations, ideas: 703.385.9056; The door to my office is always open.