Get Up, He's Calling You!

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Calling: a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence; the vocation or profession in which one customarily engages. (Merriam-Webster)

“Calling” is a word laden with significance, both collectively as we are united within the Body of Christ, and individually, as we bear witness to the grace showered on us through God’s redeeming work.

In the Huguenot Fellowship, we are passionate about the work of the Faculté Jean Calvin (FJC) seminary in Aix-en-Provence, France; and the vital role it plays in training and shepherding those individuals who sense God’s calling on their lives in service for Him.

The Protestant Reformed Evangelical Church of France (Union Nationale des Églises Protestantes Réformées Évangéliques de France , UNEPREF), the denomination in which many FJC graduates are currently serving, recently published a booklet called, Leve-toi, Il t’appelle! (Get up, He’s calling you!). Spearheaded by three women connected to the seminary – a former member of the staff and two alumna who are currently serving in churches - the book outlines the nature of calling as taught in the Bible, allowing the reader to witness the work of God in the lives of His children, from Biblical times to the present.

The authors of the 19 testimonies describe not only how they heard God’s call to salvation, but more specifically, how they came to the conviction that He was calling them to set their lives apart in service for Him. This book is a challenge to discern the ongoing story of God’s work, and be encouraged by testimonies of how God is building His Kingdom through the service of His children.

France needs pastors, youth workers, Christian musicians, Christian counselors and more to bring the Hope of the Gospel to the land of John Calvin.

Would you pray with us for the Lord’s work in calling His children to lives of service for Him?

Would you pray for Faculté Jean Calvin and its strategic role in training these future workers for this task.

Lord, raise up laborers for the Harvest. To God alone be the Glory.

Ruth Ann Leduc
Trustee of The Huguenot Fellowship

P.S. If you have further interest in Leve-toi, Il t’appelle! (French only), please email to receive the publisher’s contact info.