Evangelism Seminar

Donald Cobb

Last weekend, 80 pastors and church council members of the Protestant Reformed Evangelical Church - https://unepref.com/ - gathered for a day of reflection & discussion on the theme of evangelization.

Donald Cobb, a graduate of Faculté Jean Calvin and Professor of New Testament at Faculté Jean Calvin, gave an excellent session on "Is Reformed Theology a Hindrance to Evangelism?" (Thankfully not!) Some of the points highlighted by Cobb were:

- The doctrine of election isn't a hindrance to evangelism; it's the condition whereby evangelism bears fruit.
- God's sovereign election works itself out through Gospel proclamation.
- God uses Gospel proclamation to open hearts to the Gospel.
- God gives us the privilege of participating in His work.
- God's sovereign election works itself out through evangelism.
- The doctrine of election drives us to prayer as it affirms the sovereignty of God.
- The doctrine of election gives us a confidence that Gospel proclamation is not dependent on us.

Updates were also given on four projects the denomination is focusing on this year:

  1. revisiting the strategy for church-planting;

  2. creating a position for pastoral care for pastors;

  3. the issue of sexual & spousal abuse, establishing tangible steps for vulnerable individuals, and how to better support the victims;

  4. the possibility of a new position relating to more efficient communication within the denomination.

Would you please take a moment to pray for God's leading in these important initiatives and for God's protection and equipping for these church leaders?