Matt Moury

My name is Matt Moury, I am 32 years old and currently a pastor of the Evangelical Baptist Church of Argenteuil (Paris region), a missionary of Christ Church Cambridge (England) and a 2nd year master's student at Faculté Jean Calvin. I also develop resources such as Théologie Pour Tous and Un Café with Henri Blocher.

By the grace of God, I came to the Gospel at the age of 20 through GBUs (University Bible Groups) when I had no Protestant background.

After earning a Masters in Publishing Translation, I served as a missionary in Cambridge with Friends International. It was about sharing the Gospel with foreign students.

Subsequently, I did a long-term pastoral internship at the Evangelical Baptist Church of Lyon while pursuing studies at the Free Faculty of Evangelical Theology.

For a long time, I was attracted by FJC because I like theology and the reformed liturgy, I even took a large number of courses as a free auditor. When my Church union agreed to finance my master 2, I therefore asked to do it in this institution and I was not disappointed!

If God lends me life and health, I would like to continue on the pastoral path while teaching in various contexts.