God On French Political Map

February 2017

Dear Friends,

      “God is back on French political map,” Sylvie Kauffmann, former editor in chief of the influential Le Monde, writes in a recent issue of the International New York Times. Her reference is to François Fillon, the former prime minister who is now running for president. He recently told the press, “I am a Gaullist, and furthermore I am a Christian.” His claim met with all kinds of opposition from various politicians, including some who are believers, since he appeared to transgress the ideal of laïcité, which prohibits any mixing of politics and religion.

      Michel Onfray, a leading philosopher and public intellectual, has just published an explosive book titled Décadence which claims that Judeo-Christianity is a thing of the past. Usually, Onfray tells us, theories of decline belong to the right. He cites the famous account by Oswald Spengler of the Decline of the West. As for himself, though left-leaning, he does not share the liberal optimism of leftists. He thinks our civilization is about to fall under its own weight. When asked about Francois Fillon he says he represents merely the last gasp of Christian hope. It’s all over. What’s left? He is not sure. For the moment, the only honest answer is nihilism.

      So, which is it? Fillon or Onfray? Well, it’s both! Certainly the Judeo- Christian worldview is losing its grip in France and elsewhere in Europe. At the same time, God has not yet successfully been dispatched. There is quite a remnant of Christian believers, and even significant resurgence. We are in a time of remarkable opportunity for the Gospel. Our Faculté Jean Calvin has a small but significant role in spreading the Word of God. It is training its men and women to be like the children of Issachar, to understand the times and tell the church what is the best course to take (1 Chronicles 12:32).

      We are so grateful for your prayers and support of this remarkable effort. If you have not yet signed-up to receive electronic updates from our web site, please feel free to do so (note: these occasional bulletins do not replace the quarterly newsletters, which will continue to be sent to you via the post). May we truly see God not only on the political map, but in the hearts of the French people!

Very Truly Yours

William Edgar, President 

Report from FJC Professor Pierre Sovann

Report from FJC Professor Pierre Sovann

Dear Friends,

As the end of my first term of service with the FJC coincided with Christmas celebrations, I have not been able to give you this update earlier in December, as planned. But it is not too late to wish you a very happy and blessed New Year 2017!

My first impressions were very positive in every respect: my relations with the administrative team, my integration into the board of Professors, my contacts with students, were most satisfying, far beyond what I anticipated.

Yannick and Erin's eNews

Dear friends and partners in the ministry,

We hope, and pray, that this first newsletter of the, still new year, 2017, finds you well!

The past month has been relatively quiet here in France. With the Christmas break, Yannick's teaching has been minimal. Moreover, the students are on their one-month internship. This allows for more writing and reasearch time. It also gives us a more flexible schedule. In the meantime, Erin is busy working on her French with a tutor and helping the church with their "Explorer" Bible school for kids 8-12 yo. It's a lot of work, and a lot of French!

Report from FJC Professor Rodrigo De Sousa

Report from FJC Professor Rodrigo De Sousa

I would like to offer a report of some of my experiences and my academic activities since my arrival at the Faculté Jean Calvin. The report comes in two parts. In the first part, I make some observations about how my family and I are adapting to this new context. In the second, I give a general outline of my first teaching responsibilities and experiences at the school.

Please Pray

Please pray with Faculté Jean Calvin

for current students in their studies, churches, and work

for preparation for the second semester, new courses of the professors

FJC's calling and faithfulness to the Word of God

for upcoming meetings at FJC: Portes Ouvertes, FORMAPRE,
CNEF, Carrefour Théologique...

Please Watch And Pray With Us

Faculté Jean Calvin Video Presentation

Pierre Berthoud, Professor Emeritus

Pierre Berthoud, Professor Emeritus

Please take 7 minutes out of your day to watch this video presentation. It will leave you better informed about the people, place, and raison d'être of Faculté Jean Calvin, the Reformed Seminary in Aix-en-Provence, France. This version of the video is translated throughout using voice-over or text, as in the above image of Pierre Berthoud commenting on the Word of God. (Note that the intro briefly features some lively music. So please be patient, if not to your taste. The music that follows is sublime.)

If not already a regular contributor to The Huguenot Fellowship, please consider adding that to your 2017 New Year's resolutions. 

Supporting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the French-speaking world.
